Saturday, October 6, 2012

Another Ordinary Day...

September 28, my birthday, I declared to myself that it would be just another ordinary day.

A month before, I planned to skip the party for this year because of my ongoing personal projects, and for a change, I planned to celebrate this special day in silence.

I really cannot freeze time or remove the date from the calendar. In the past week, I have already been receiving surprises from my sister and friends, who were sending their lovely wishes for my special day. Then came the day, my facebook wall was flooded with warm greetings. I greatly appreciate my family, friends and relatives who remembered my special day. Before I went to bed, I kept on recalling the things I did… 

My act of kindness 

I helped an elderly woman during the five o’clock morning mass. I noticed that she was having a hard time walking, she handed me her candles to light it and offered a prayer as I lit them.

And its showers…

When I came back from the church, I was surprised with the breakfast buffet that my sister-in-law and her mother prepared. Delightful, isn't it? 

When I went to the bank, I took the express lane as the manager assisted me for my transactions. Life is good, isn’t it?! 

I have been worrying for the past few days because there has been a delay in my renovation project. I’ve been looking for available skilled workers to finish it. Then, around mid-day, two contractors & a friend gave their referrals. To make it short, work will resume the following week. I’m happy that things fall into place. 

I went to a friend’s place in the afternoon. She taught me how to paint with watercolor. Isn’t it amazing to get a free painting lesson?! I am grateful that precious people surround me.

Yes, that's me trying to be a painter. Haha!

When I went home, I had dinner with my mother and we just enjoyed eating ice cream…and I know in my heart that it is LOVE. 

Not such an ordinary day, after all, huh? I want to leave this message from Dalai Lama…

When we feel love and kindness toward others,
it not only makes others feel loved and cared for,
but it helps us also to develop inner happiness and peace.