Monday, August 26, 2013

Before and After Sidetrips

Before we went to our main destination, we went for a day-tour in the Island Garden City of Samal. The island is a part of Metropolitan Davao area and is located two kilometers away from Davao City. From Davao City, we hired a cab that would take us to and around the island for a reasonable price, and so it was a relaxed tour for all of us.  

First stop was Hagimit Falls.These are several waterfalls that stream into a natural catch basin surrounded by a verdant canopy of fully grown trees, mostly of hagimit trees (Ficus minahassae) from where the waterfall got its name. The water is generally clear and appear aqua green in color and its icy cold, perfect for summer dipping. 

Then, we visited the Montfort Bat Sanctuary. It is the home to a large colony of 1.8 million Rousette fruit bats. According to the Guinness World Records, it is the largest single colony of its kind.   

While en route to Mati City, we are greeted with a beautiful view of an island that resembles a dinosaur sleeping on its belly in Badas Point, Barangay Dawan. It is called the Sleeping Dinosaur Island. This natural attraction has a total land area of approximately 579 hectares.

After our stay in the paradise, we spent another day in Davao City before flying out to Metro Manila. I was set to visit the Philippine Eagle Center, the Crocodile Farm and the Butterfly House in that couple of of days. My friends tagged along as well since they also had time before their flight. So we met Shella, a friend and a colleague, in our hostel and off we go to the PEC. I was glad that she was able to accompany us on that day because it was raining hard all throughout the trip. When we got to the parking lot, the rain stopped. Thus, we enjoyed touring around and interacting with the birds. 

The Philippine Eagle (Pithecophaga jefferyi) is a giant forest raptor endemic to the Philippines. It is considered one of the largest and most powerful eagles in the world. This is KAIBIGAN, showing off an attack stance.
Up close with a White-bellied Sea Eagle (Haliaeetus leucogaster). I'm scared to look him in the eye. hahaha

In the Crocodile Farm, we were able to meet Pangil and the rest of his mates. Pangil, an 18-feet saltwater crocodile, is the biggest living crocodile in captivity in the country. This giant is said to be more than 60 years old. 

PANGIL which is a Filipino translation of the word Fang. 
A moment with reptiles.

Lastly, we checked out the Butterfly House. I am the only one excited to see this place but it was nice that my friends tagged along and also appreciated the small butterfly sanctuary. Butterflies are one of my favorite subject in photography and its metamorphosis from an ugly caterpillar to an elegant butterfly fascinates me. They only have a minimal collection but its enough to enchant and gently calm my day. 

All in all, I like Davao City! And it's strict compliance to 'No Smoking' ordinance. You can have the amenities of both a city and a rural area in one place. Lot of fresh fruits, seafoods, and nice places to just chill and enjoy the nature's true beauty.



  1. Thanks for this blog post. I love the way you write it, everything was very clear.

    Catch Basin
