Monday, April 29, 2013

Stoked Days

What is a coastal life blog without water sports activity, huh? Well, finally, after several months of an on and off surfing lessons, my friends were kind enough to take some pictures of me while riding the waves in our playground. Take a peek in my stoked days just last week…

Got a ride up to the shore, yey! ;)

A priceless smile of a newbie. ;)

Moon rise pose... need to take the shot. :D 

It was a fun weekend even with a mushy waves. As a beginner, I am not choosy on the kind of waves I must say...if there's a swell, I ride! However, I am also studying the waves and all the important points in surfing. What I like in surfing is that, every wave is a challenge, Mother Nature is your playmate. So, you really have to respect whatever wave she'll give to you. And our only control is how we will take and ride it. That is why, surfing is a lifelong process of learning, cultivating your skill and having fun at the same time.

It always feels good when I go out of the water. I feel charged up, and definitely, will have good days for the rest of the week. So, I hope everyone will have a great week as well. See you around!   


  1. Naks naman. Blogger din pala.

    1. Hi Edgar,

      I am not a religious blogger though, 'just trying to share some thoughts from time to time. By the way, thanks for stopping by. :)

  2. Great pics and I definately share your thoughts on surfing. Feel blessed to live close to the water...... That's just priceless and lots of people would give a fortune to be in that situation ;)

    1. Hello Phil,

      Yeah, it's really a blessing to live close to the ocean. Did you know that I was born and raised here but only last year that I learn surfing. I just got back on this place a couple of years ago, didn't live here for almost 16 years! :) But it feels so great to be back and am grateful to reunite with some old friends and of course, for the new friendships. :) Thanks for stopping by. See you around!
